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Daniel 12:3-4 And they that be wise shall shine as the brightness of the firmament; and they that turn many to righteousness as the stars for ever and ever. But thou, O Daniel, shut up the words, and seal the book, even to the time of the end: many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall be increased. Surely the Sovereign LORD does nothing without revealing his plan to his servants the prophets. Daniel 12:8-12 And I heard, but I understood not: then said I, O my Lord, what shall be the end of these things? And he said, Go thy way, Daniel: for the words are closed up and sealed till the time of the end. Many shall be purified, and made white, and tried; but the wicked shall do wickedly: and none of the wicked shall understand; but the wise shall understand. And from the time that the daily sacrifice shall be taken away, and the abomination that maketh desolate set up, there shall be a thousand two hundred and ninety days. Blessed is he that waiteth, and cometh to the thousand three hundred and five and thirty days.

Sunday, December 14, 2014

Abraham timeline


◄2450-2330 BC | Timeline 2210-2090 BC (Abraham Part 1) | 2090-1970 BC►
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Notes on the Nations
Books of the Bible
Notes on Israel
    The Kingdom of Akkad (2234-2154 BC)
         Shar-kali-sharri (24) 2217-2193BC
         Igigi (2)  2192-2190BC
         Nanijum, (-1) 2190-2189BC    
         Imi (-1) 2190-2189BC
    Book NameGenesis
    Dates covered Creation to c.1780 BC
    Date written1446-1440 BC
    Author Moses
         Ages of the Patriarchs
         Patriarchal Timeline From Adam
              Through Isaac
         Timeline of the Flood
         Elulu (-1) 2190-2189BC
         Dudu (20)  2189-2169BC
         Shu-Turul (14) 2168-2154BC

   Kingdom Of Gutium - (2180-2089 BC)
         Imta (3) 2180-2177BC
         Inkishu (6) 2177-2171BC
         Nikillagah (6) 2171-2165BC
         Shulme (6) 2165-2159BC
         Elulumesh (5) 2159-2153BC
         Inimabakesh (5) 2153-2148BC
         Igeshaush (6) 2148-2142BC
         Iarlagab (15) 2142-2127BC
         Ibate (3) 2127-2124BC
         Iarlagash (3) 2124-2121BC
         Kurum (1) 2121-2120BC
         ............... (3) 2120-2117BC
         ............... (2) 2117-2115BC
         Irarum (2) 2115-2113BC
         Ibranum (1) 2113-2112BC
         Hablum (2) 2112-2110BC
         Puzur-Sin (7) 2110-2103BC
         Iarlaganda 2103-2096BC (7)
         ............... (7) 2096-2089BC

    3rd Kingdom of Ur (2112-2004 BC)
         Ur-Nammu 2112-2095BC (17)
         Shulgi 2094-2047BC (47)

    Kingdom of Egypt (?-30 BC)
            Holman Bible Dictionary
    6TH Dynasty (164) 2345-2181BC
         Neferkare Phiops II (85) 2269-2184BC
         Merenre Antyemsaf II (1) 2184-2183BC
         Netjerykare (-1) 2183BC
         Menkare Nitocris (2) 2183-2181BC
    7TH Dynasty (8) 2181-2173BC
         Neferkare (All Dates Unknown)
         Neferkare Neby (All Dates Unknown)
         Djedkare Shemay (All Dates Unknown)
         Neferkare Khendu (All Dates Unknown)
         Meryenhor (All Dates Unknown)
         Neferkamin (All Dates Unknown)
         Nykare (All Dates Unknown)
         Neferkare Tereru (All Dates Unknown)
         Neferkahor (All Dates Unknown)
    8TH Dynasty (13) 2173-2160BC
         Wadjkare Pepysonbe (4) 2173-2169BC
         Neferkamin Anu (2) 2169-2167BC
         Kakare Ibi (4) 2167-2163
         Neferkare (2) 2163-2161BC
         Neferkauhor (1) 2161-2160BC
    9TH Dynasty (27) 2160-2133BC
         Meryibre Achthoes I (All Dates Unknown)
          ............. (All Dates Unknown)
         Neferkare (All Dates Unknown)
         Meryibre Achthoes II (All Dates Unknown)
         Setut (All Dates Unknown)
         .............. (All Dates Unknown)
         Mery-...... (All Dates Unknown)
         Shed-........ (All Dates Unknown)
         ............. (All Dates Unknown)
         ............. (All Dates Unknown)
         ............. (All Dates Unknown)
         User....... (All Dates Unknown)
    10TH Dynasty (90) 2130-2040BC
         Meryhathor (All Dates Unknown)
         Neferkare (All Dates Unknown)
         Wahkare Achthoes III (All Dates Unknown)
         Marykare (All Dates Unknown)
         ................ (All Dates Unknown)
    11TH Dynasty (142) 2133-1991BC
         Menthu-hotep I (15) 2133-2118BC
         Inyotef I (-1) 2118-2117BC
         Inyotef II (48) 2117-2069BC

    The Post Flood Patriarchs
         Cainan 2610-2150BC (460 years)
               International Standard Bible Encyclopedia
               Fausset's Bible Dictionary
               Smith's Bible Dictionary
               Nave's Topics
         Shelah 2480-2047BC (403 years)
               International Standard Bible Encyclopedia
               Fausset's Bible Dictionary
               Smith's Bible Dictionary
               Nave's Topics
         Eber 2450-2020BC (430 years)
               International Standard Bible Encyclopedia
               Fausset's Bible Dictionary
               Smith's Bible Dictionary
                Nave's Topics
         Peleg 2416-2177BC (209 years)
               International Standard Bible Encyclopedia
               Fausset's Bible Dictionary
               Smith's Bible Dictionary
               Nave's Topics
         Reu 2386-2147BC (207 years)
               International Standard Bible Encyclopedia
               Fausset's Bible Dictionary
               Smith's Bible Dictionary
               Nave's Topics
         Serug 2354-2124BC (200 years)
               International Standard Bible Encyclopedia
               Fausset's Bible Dictionary
               Smith's Bible Dictionary
               Nave's Topics
         Nahor 2324-2176BC (199 years)
               International Standard Bible Encyclopedia
               Fausset's Bible Dictionary
               Smith's Bible Dictionary
               Nave's Topics
         Terah 2295-2090BC (205 years)
               International Standard Bible Encyclopedia
               Fausset's Bible Dictionary
               Smith's Bible Dictionary
               Nave's Topics
         Abraham 2165-1990BC (175 years)
               International Standard Bible Encyclopedia
               Fausset's Bible Dictionary
               Smith's Bible Dictionary
               Nave's Topics
               Abraham's Family Tree

               Ancient Near East in the Time of the Patriarchs
               The Land of Canaan from Abraham to Moses
               Palestine in the Middle Bronze Age
               The Migration of Abraham
               Abraham in Canaan
               Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob
               Travels of Jacob
               The Journeys of Joseph

Notes on Israel's Involvement With the Nations

      Notes on Biblical Names used in the Secular Record of the Day
The following is taken from A Survey of Israel's History by Leon Wood
1. Names. One aspect concerns the existence of names in ancient texts like those used in Genesis. The name, Jacob, for instance, has been found in the form Ya `qob-el designating a person in an eighteenth century text from Chagar-bazar in Upper Mesopotamia, and designating a place in Palestine in a list of Thutmose III; also in the form Ya `qob-har as the name of a Hyksos chief.3 The name, Abraham, has been found in Babylonian texts of the sixteenth century in the form Abamram, and in other forms at .Mari.4 A Mari text uses the name of Abraham's brother, Nahor, in the form Nakhur, as the name of a city in the vicinity of Haran. Mari texts speak further of a people called Banu-yamina (Benjamin),5 and use names built on the same roots as Gad, Dan, Levi, and Ishmael. Later Assyrian texts speak of two cities, Til-turakhi and Sarugi, the equivalents of Terah and Serug, father and prior ancestor of Abraham respectively. These names, and others that might be added, all appear in texts from the first half of the second millennium. Though evidence is lacking that any refers to a specific biblical person or place, they do indicate that the names employed in the Genesis record are those of the nomenclature of the day.6
3 Cf. Albright, JAOS, 74(1954); p. 231; R. DeVaux, RB, 72(1985), p. 9.
4 For three such texts, cf. G. Barton, AB, pp. 344-45. On names generally at Mari, cf. H. B. Huffmon, Amorite Personal Names in the Mari Texts (1965).
5 Cf. Gelb, JCS, 15(1961), pp. 37-38; and H. Tadmore, JNES, 17(1958), p. 130, n. 12.
6 For further discussion generally and references, cf. M. Unger, AOT, pp. 127-28; J. Bright, BHI, pp. 70f; C. H. Gordon, ANE, pp. 113-33; and K. A. Kitchen, AOOT, pp. 48f: 153f.

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