About Me

Daniel 12:3-4 And they that be wise shall shine as the brightness of the firmament; and they that turn many to righteousness as the stars for ever and ever. But thou, O Daniel, shut up the words, and seal the book, even to the time of the end: many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall be increased. Surely the Sovereign LORD does nothing without revealing his plan to his servants the prophets. Daniel 12:8-12 And I heard, but I understood not: then said I, O my Lord, what shall be the end of these things? And he said, Go thy way, Daniel: for the words are closed up and sealed till the time of the end. Many shall be purified, and made white, and tried; but the wicked shall do wickedly: and none of the wicked shall understand; but the wise shall understand. And from the time that the daily sacrifice shall be taken away, and the abomination that maketh desolate set up, there shall be a thousand two hundred and ninety days. Blessed is he that waiteth, and cometh to the thousand three hundred and five and thirty days.

Thursday, December 4, 2014

Shem's family tree

The Descendants Of Shem
(Whence Semite)
The Son Of Noah
http://www.oocities.org/bpstratton/trees/shemtree.html 1 Shem (Sem, whence Semite) b: abt. 2446 BC (2165-2765 AM)
. 2 [11] Arphaxad (Arpachshad) b: abt. 2346 BC (2265-2880 AM)
....... +[10] Râsû'ejâ
.... 3 Cainan (Kenan-Sept.Gen & Luke 3:36) b: Abt. 2311 BC (2400-2860 AM)
.......... +Mêlkâ (d. of Madai, 4th s. of Japheth)
........ 4 [9] Shelah (Salah,Sala) b: abt. 2310 BC (2530-2990 AM)
.............. +[8] Mû'ak
........... 5 Eber (Heber, whence Hebrew) b: abt. 2281 BC (2660-3164 AM)
.............. 6 Peleg (Phalec) b: abt. 2247 BC (2794-3133 AM)
.................. 7 Reu (Ragau) b: abt. 2217 BC (2924-3263 AM)
..................... 8 [7] Serug (Saruch) b: 2185 BC (3056-3386 AM)
........................ 9 Nahor (Nachor) b: 2155 BC (3186-3394 AM)
............................ 10 [4] Terah (Tara) b: 2056 BC (3265 AM) ,
                                                         in Ur, Chaldea d: 1851 BC (3470 AM), in Haran .................................. +First Wife of Terah
............................... 11 Haran b: Ur of the Chaldees
.................................. 12 Lot
.................................. 12 [2] Milcah
........................................ +[1] Nahor
.................................. 12 Iscah
............................... 11 [1] Nahor
..................................... +[2] Milcah
............................... 11 [3] Abram (Abraham) b: 1996 BC (3335 AM)
                                                               in Ur, Chaldea d: 1821 BC (3510 AM) in Kirjath-arba, Hebron
..................................... +[5] Sarai (Sarah) b: 1986 BC (3345 AM)
                                                               in Ur, Chaldea d: 1855 BC (3472 AM) in Kirjath-arba, Hebron
.................................. 12 Isaac (Isaac) b: abt. 1896 BC (3435 AM) d: abt. 1716 BC (3615 AM)
........................................ +Rebekah (Rebecca) To Israelite Descendants   > ............................... *2nd Wife of [3] Abram (Abraham):
..................................... +Hagar
.................................. 12 Ishmael To Ishmaelite Descendants >

............................... *3rd Wife of [3] Abram (Abraham):
..................................... +Keturah
.................................. 12 Zimran
.................................. 12 Jokshan
.................................. 12 Medan
.................................. 12 Midian
.................................. 12 Ishbak
.................................. 12 Shuah
............................ *2nd Wife of [4] Terah (Tara):
.................................. +Second Wife of Terah
............................... 11 [5] Sarai (Sarah) b: 1986 BC (3345 AM) in Ur, Chaldea
                                                             d: 1855 BC (3472 AM) in Kirjath-arba, Hebron
..................................... +[3] Abram (Abraham) b: 1996 BC (3335 AM) in Ur, Chaldea
                                                                     d: 1821 BC (3510 AM) in Kirjath-arba, Hebron
........................... +[6] Melka
.................. 7 Kâbêr
..................... 8 [6] Melka
........................... +[7] Serug (Saruch) b: 2185 BC (3056-3386 AM)
.... 3 Kêsêd
........ 4 [8] Mû'ak
.............. +[9] Shelah (Salah,Sala) b: abt. 2310 BC (2530-2990 AM)
. 2 Elam
.... 3 [10] Râsû'ejâ
.......... +[11] Arphaxad (Arpachshad) b: abt. 2346 BC (2265-2880 AM)
.... +Sêdêqêtêlebâb

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