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Daniel 12:3-4 And they that be wise shall shine as the brightness of the firmament; and they that turn many to righteousness as the stars for ever and ever. But thou, O Daniel, shut up the words, and seal the book, even to the time of the end: many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall be increased. Surely the Sovereign LORD does nothing without revealing his plan to his servants the prophets. Daniel 12:8-12 And I heard, but I understood not: then said I, O my Lord, what shall be the end of these things? And he said, Go thy way, Daniel: for the words are closed up and sealed till the time of the end. Many shall be purified, and made white, and tried; but the wicked shall do wickedly: and none of the wicked shall understand; but the wise shall understand. And from the time that the daily sacrifice shall be taken away, and the abomination that maketh desolate set up, there shall be a thousand two hundred and ninety days. Blessed is he that waiteth, and cometh to the thousand three hundred and five and thirty days.

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Timelines of bible land

Subject list
3500 BCSumerians and Babylonians use sexigesimal (base 60) number system according to historian Eric Temple Bell.
Links: Babylon     Click to see the source(s) for this event 
3500 BC
2400 BC
The Tower of Babel was built during this period by people of one language who inhabited the land of Shinar in the kingdom of Nimrod.
Links: Babylon, Language, HistoryBC     Click to see the source(s) for this event 
3500 BCKing Etena of Babylonia was pictured on a coin, flying on an eagle’s back.
Links: Babylon, Aviation, HistoryBC     Click to see the source(s) for this event 
2750 BCGilgamesh, a Sumerian King, ruled the city of Uruk (Babylonia) about this time, which had grown to a population of over 50,000. Gilgamesh was the subject of many epics, including the Sumerian "Gilgamesh and Enkidu in the Nether World" and the Babylonian "Epic of Gilgamesh." In 1844 Westerners discovered an epic poem based on Gilgamesh on stone fragments in Mosul, Iraq. In 1853 clay tablets inscribed with the tale were found in Nineveh, the former capital of Assyria. 5 Sumerian versions were later acknowledged. George Smith completed his translation of the Epic in 1874. In 2004 Stephen Mitchell published “Gilgamesh: A New English Translation.” Derek Hines authored “Gilgamesh.”
Links: Babylon, Iraq, Britain, Assyria     Click to see the source(s) for this event 
2700 BCThe Sumerian King, Gilgamesh, ruled the city of Uruk (Babylonia) which had grown to a population of over 50,000.
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2400 BCDagan, a name that appears in early Mesopotamia, and that enters into the composition of proper names in Babylonia about this time. Dagan was later a name for head of the Philistine pantheon.
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2145 BCIdin-Dagan, a king of Babylonia. and his son Isme-Dagan.
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2000 BC
1600 BC
In Mesopotamia the Old Babylonian period began after the collapse of Sumer, probably due to an increase in the salt content of the soil that made farming difficult.
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1900 BCThe “Epic of Gilgamesh” was redacted from Sumerian sources and written in the Babylonian semetic.
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1800 BCBy this time the Old Babylonians employed advanced mathematical operations such as multiplication, division and square roots. Their duodecimal system, based on 12 and 6 to measure time, is still used today.
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1792 BC
1750 BC
Hammurabi, king of Babylon, established a code of laws during this period that became known as the Code of Hammurabi. They were inscribed on a basalt column, later found at Susa, Iran. One of the laws was that if a married woman was caught lying with another man, both should be bound and thrown into the river.
Links: Babylon, Iraq, Iran     Click to see the source(s) for this event 
1763 BCHammurabi, the Amorite King, conquered all of Sumer. He wrote a “Code of Laws” that contained 282 rules including the principles of “an eye for an eye” and “let the buyer beware.” It was one of the first codes of law in world history, predated only by the Laws of Lipit-Ishtar.
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1750 BCHammurabi established a code of laws. One of the laws was that if a married woman was caught lying with another man, both should be bound and thrown into the river.
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1750 BCHammurabi died but his empire lasted another 150 years when the Kassites, a non-semetic people, conquered most of Mesopotamia with the help of light chariot warfare.
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1600 BCThe Kassites, a non-semetic people, conquered most of Mesopotamia with the help of light chariot warfare.
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1595 BCThe Hittites captured Babylon and retreated. They left the city open to Kassite domination which lasted about 300 years. They maintained the Sumerian/Babylonian culture without innovations of their own.
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1300 BCA middle eastern empire of this time.
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1225 BCThe Assyrian ruler, Tukulti-Ninurta, captured Babylon and the region of southern Mesopotamia, but their control did not last long.
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1000 BCChaldeans traced their origins to about this time in Babylon.
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689 BCSennacherib of Assyria destroyed Babylon, but his son rebuilt it.
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650 BCBabylon by this time was again prosperous following its destruction in 689 by Sennacherib of Assyria.
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609 BC
593 BC
Pharaoh Necho II ruled Egypt.
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605 BC
562 BC
Nebuchadnezzar ruled over his empire centered at Babylon.
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605 BC
562 BC
Nebuchadnezzar II ruled in Babylon. He undertook some monumental building projects that included the Hanging Gardens. The New Babylonian Revival used glazed bricks for building thereby creating a colorful city. The king was fond of spinach.
Links: Babylon, Iraq, HistoryBC     Click to see the source(s) for this event 
604 BC
562 BC
Nebuchadnezzar II ruled in Babylon. He undertook some monumental building projects that included the Hanging Gardens. The New Babylonian Revival used glazed bricks for building thereby creating a colorful city. The king was fond of spinach.
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604 BCNebuchadnezzar of Babylon invaded and put the Philistines' cities to the sword. There is no remnant of them after that.
Links: Babylon, Israel, Palestine, HistoryBC, Philistines     Click to see the source(s) for this event 
586 BCNebuchadnezzar of Babylon, ruler of Mesopotamia, destroyed Jerusalem and recorded his deeds at the Nahr al Kalb (Dog River) cliff face between Beirut and Byblos. He destroyed the first Temple, built by Solomon and took the Jewish people into captivity.
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586 BCEzekial, in exile at Babylon, described Tyre as it was before Nebuchadnezzar's attack in the Bible: (Ezekial 27:1-25). This time is known as the "Babylonian Captivity."
Links: Babylon, Bible     Click to see the source(s) for this event 
585 BC
572 BC
Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon began his 13 year siege of Tyre.
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539 BCBabylon, under Chaldean rule since 612BC, fell to the Persians. Cyrus the Persian captured Babylon after the New Babylonian leader, Belshazaar, failed to read "the handwriting on the wall." The Persian Empire under Cyrus lasted to 331BC, when it was conquered by Alexander the Great. Cyrus returned some of the exiled Jews to Palestine, while other Jews preferred to stay and establish a 2nd Jewish center, the first being in Jerusalem. The Cyrus Cylinder was created following the Persian conquest of Babylon, when Cyrus overthrew the Babylonian king Nabonidus and replaced him as ruler, ending the Neo-Babylonian Empire. It was discovered in 1879 and became considered as the world's first declaration of human rights.
Links: Babylon, Egypt, Persia, HistoryBC     More  Click to see the source(s) for this event 
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486 BCDarius (b.550), ruler of Persia, died. His preparations for a 3rd expedition against Greece were delayed by an insurrection in Egypt. He was succeeded by his son Xerxes.
Links: Babylon, Egypt, Persia     Click to see the source(s) for this event 
465 BC
424 BC
Artaxerxes, son of Xerxes I, ruled Persia in the Achaemenis dynasty and Egypt as the 4th king of the 27th Dynasty.
Links: Babylon, Egypt, Persia     Click to see the source(s) for this event 
401 BCIn the Battle of Cunaxa Cyrus, king of Persia, attempted to oust his brother Artaxerxes from rule over Babylon. Greek forces, hired to help Cyrus, were left stranded when Cyrus died. The Greek army elected Xenophon to lead them back home. Xenophon later authored his “Anabasis” (expedition up country), which told the story of return home. In 2005 Tim Rood authored “The Sea, The Sea,” an analysis of Xenophon’s life story following his death.
Links: Babylon, Persia, Greece, Books     Click to see the source(s) for this event 
350 BCBabylonian tables of astronomical numbers regularly use zero.
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323 BC Jun 10Alexander died In Persia at Babylon at the age of 32. His general, Ptolemy, took possession of Egypt. Apelles was a painter in Alexander's court. He had been commissioned by Alexander to paint a portrait of Campaspe, Alexander's concubine. Apelles fell in love with Campaspe and Alexander granted her to him in marriage. In 1984 Curtius Quintas Rufus authored "the History of Alexander." In 1991 Peter Green authored "Alexander of Macedon, A Historical Biography."
Links: Babylon, Macedonia, Egypt, Persia, Greece, HistoryBC     Click to see the source(s) for this event 
276The prophet Mani (b.210), a resident of Babylon, died. His writings led to Manichaeism, one of the major Iranian Gnostic religions, originating in Sassanid Persia. Although most of his original writings have been lost, numerous translations and fragmentary texts have survived. Manichaeism is distinguished by its elaborate cosmology describing the struggle between a good, spiritual world of light, and an evil, material world of darkness.
Links: Babylon, Religion     Click to see the source(s) for this event 
500The second component of the Talmud, the Gemara, was compiled about this time in Babylon (later Iraq). It is a discussion of the Mishnah and related Tannaitic writings that often ventures onto other subjects and expounds broadly on the Tanakh. The first component, the Mishnah, the first written compendium of Judaism's Oral Law, dated to around 200.
Links: Babylon, Israel, Jews, Books, Religion     Click to see the source(s) for this event 
776Al-Jahiz (d.868), Muslim theologian and scholar, was born in Basra about this time. He is credited with writing nearly two hundred works, although fewer than one hundred survive today. His most famous work is Al-Hayawan” (The Book of animals), which merges discussions of zoology with philosophy.
Links: Babylon, Iraq, Persia, Animal, Islam     Click to see the source(s) for this event 
1271The Polos were called back to Acre where the new Pope assigned two friars, Fra Nicolo da Vicenza and Fra Guielmo da Tripoli, to accompany them to visit the grand khan. They reached Armenia and heard that the soldan of Babylonia, named Bundokdari, had invaded Armenian territory. The friars feared for their lives and returned home.
Links: Babylon     Click to see the source(s) for this event 
1873 Mar 2George Smith, British Assyriologist, arrived at the ruins of Nineveh outside Mosul (Iraq). Over the next few weeks he found tablets referring to more pieces of the Gilgamesh story, a record of kings in the Babylonian dynasties, as well as lists of cuneiform symbols.
Links: Babylon, Iraq, Britain, Assyria     Click to see the source(s) for this event 
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1879The Cyrus Cylinder was discovered by the Assyro-British archaeologist Hormuzd Rassam in the foundations of the Esagila, the main temple of Babylon, and was later placed in the British Museum in London. The cylinder was created following the Persian conquest of Babylon in 539 BC, when Cyrus overthrew the Babylonian king Nabonidus and replaced him as ruler, ending the Neo-Babylonian Empire. It was later considered as the world's first declaration of human rights.
Links: Babylon, Britain, Iran, Persia, Archeology     Click to see the source(s) for this event 
1879The clay Cyrus cylinder, covered in Babylonian cuneiform script, was uncovered in Iraq.
Links: Babylon, Iraq, Persia     Click to see the source(s) for this event 

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